28th April 2022
Enriched Health Care is aware of recent changes to mask rules and isolation rules in NSW.
Enriched Health Care continues to provide services consistent with NSW Health advice.
1. Clinic Based Services https://www.health.nsw.gov.au/Infectious/covid-19/Pages/outpatient.aspx
2. Residential Aged Care: https://www.health.nsw.gov.au/Infectious/covid-19/Pages/racf-latest-advice.aspx
3. Home Care Services: https://www.health.nsw.gov.au/Infectious/covid-19/Pages/home-care-latest-advice.aspx
Surgical masks or P2/N(5 masks are required to be worn by all participants for clinic visits, home visits, aged care and when attending our approved providers for corporate health assessments. Our team members will also be wearing masks and additional PPE as recommended under current CEC advice.
COVID 19 Screening is required prior to attendance to any appointment.
We have questionnaires for all participants to complete prior to appointments.
Canceled appointments and Cancelation Fees
Enriched Health Care is waiving all cancelation fees for participants who cancel appointments due to COVID 19 risks. This includes having COVID 19, or being in contact with a known or suspected case, or having cold and flu symptoms.
If I have COVID 19 how long do I stay away?
Enriched Health Care is a high risk clinical setting, you must be asymptomatic and stay away from Enriched Health Care or our providers for at least 10 days from the day you turned positive.
We appreciate you working with use to ensure that our whole community remains safe
Update 13th September 2021
This week, with parts of regional NSW now emerged from lockdown, we are excited to provide face to face appointments to all our patients/participants at our Port Macquarie Gait and Motion Clinic. We have continued to provide telehealth services while the NSW Government stay-at-home orders were in place, but it will be great to see some friendly faces in our clinic again. Enriched Health Care will continue to operate with our COVID-19 infection prevention and control precautions, to ensure a safe environment for everyone.
Update 24th August 2021
We hope everyone is staying safe and well.
Regional NSW is currently in lockdown until 28th August 2021.
Consistent with the Public Health Order, Enriched Health Care has moved the majority of our Gait and Motion Clinic services to telehealth. We're providing face to face services to Aged Care participants and participants with complex conditions.
Corporate Health Screenings within NSW have been transitioned to ensure candidates complete assessments within their Local Government Area (LGA). Spirometry assessments continue to be on hold.
Enriched Workplace continues to offer telehealth for SIRA Workers Compensation participants NSW wide.
NeuroWell continues to offer telehealth case management services for participants in NSW and VIC.
Enriched Health Care has thorough and responsive COVID-19 infection prevention and control precautions to create and maintain a safe environment for everyone. Our COVID-19 safety plan is designed based on directives from NSW Government Public Health Orders, NSW WorkCover Work Health and Safety and ICARE Work Health and Safety.
**Update 22nd December 2020
We would like to sincerely wish everyone a Merry Christmas and hope everyone continues to stay safe through these unusual times.
Enriched Health Care continues to monitor the current changes to Coronavirus COVID-19 as per NSW Health advice. The link to the most up to date advice can be found here https://www.health.nsw.gov.au/news/Pages/20201222_00.aspx
Enriched Health Care provides health care services across corporate health, aged care, disabilities and paediatric populations. We are currently providing services in clinic, at residential aged care and home care. We also continue to provide digital services such as telehealth. Due to the nature of this work there are currently multiple NSW health recommendations that apply to our team, our suppliers and our patients/participants. These recommendations will continue to change over time.
Enriched Health Care takes our ethical responsibilities to manage the risk of Coronavirus COVID 19 very seriously. We are extraordinarily grateful for the trust that many vulnerable people have placed with us. In addition to this, Enriched Health Care has legal responsibilities to manage the work health and safety of our team and any one else who enters our business. Information regarding WHS obligations and COVID 19 can be found here https://www.safework.nsw.gov.au/resource-library/COVID-19-Coronavirus. On 14 May 2020, the NSW Parliament also passed an amendment to the Workers Compensation Act that determines if our team members contract COVID 19, they are presumed to have contracted the virus at work or while working. The link to this information can be found here https://www.icare.nsw.gov.au/icare-coronavirus-information/icare-coronavirus-information-for-employers.
Enriched Health Care has been closely following the recent updated advice from NSW health. The NSW COVID 19 guidance that currently apply to Enriched Health Care can be found here:
1. Clinic Based Services https://www.health.nsw.gov.au/Infectious/covid-19/Pages/outpatient.aspx
2. Residential Aged Care: https://www.health.nsw.gov.au/Infectious/covid-19/Pages/racf-latest-advice.aspx
3. Home Care Services: https://www.health.nsw.gov.au/Infectious/covid-19/Pages/home-care-latest-advice.aspx
We support everyone to be mindful of the risks of COVID 19 to yourselves, your family and your health care workers. Enriched Health Care has implemented COVID safe plans to minimise risk to any one that comes into contact with our health care business. With this in mind, NSW Health implemented an Amber Alert for health care workers that requires us to implement additional Covid safety measures as per the poster below.
** Update 31st July 2020
We hope everyone is staying safe during the ever changing environment of COVID-19.
The Enriched Health Care team has been focusing our efforts to support our valued pre-existing patients and has been working hard behind the scenes to ensure that our services are COVID-19 safe by:
- Updating our COVID safe plan and registering our company as COVID safe
- Undergoing a graded opening of face-to-face services
- Offering zero to low contact pre-employment screenings
- A staged opening of Port Macquarie Gait and Motion Clinic for NDIS, work cover, My Aged Care and private patients
Changes made to ensure we are COVID safe include:
- QR code for check in
- Daily temperature checks for team members and anyone entering the clinic
- Added a COVID-19 questionnaire
- SMS for COVID-19 questions
- Floor markings for distance measures
- COVID-19 related signage (social distancing, PPE, cough etiquette, hand hygiene)
- Scheduling changes made to ensure no cross over between aged care and pediatric services
- Updated cleaning suppliers and procedures for cleaning assets
- Infection control training for team implemented
- Completing risk management plans for each patient seen face-to-face
- Regular team meetings for infection control review
- Increase in use of PPE including masks and gloves for patients, suppliers, visitors and team members when undergoing face-to-face contact
- Continual support for telehealth consultations using Physitrack and a range of additional back up systems
- The clinic layout has undergone reorganization to encourage social distancing
- Converted all suppliers/patient visits to be by appointment only
- Completing COVID-19 safety preparations prior to patients attending
- Reinvented assessments to add more value in the telehealth environment
- Streamlining equipment delivery for home exercise programs
We are continuing to work on other projects to add value to our current plans.
** Update 3rd April 2020
We hope everyone continues to stay safe.
Enriched Health Care's pleased to see some recent changes to remove barriers from accessing telehealth services.
Department of Veterans' Affairs (DVA) have released an update as of 1st April 2020, where telehealth is now accepted as a treatment modality for Accredited Exercise Physiology. Enriched Health Care is now able to provide telehealth consultations to DVA patients with a valid D904 referral. The same eligibility criteria applies as per existing pathways.
Medicare have released an update as of 1st April 2020, where telehealth is now accepted as a treatment modality for Accredited Exercise Physiology. Enriched Health Care is now able to provide telehealth consultations to Medicare patients with a valid Medicare referral. The same eligibility criteria applies as per existing pathways.
For more information on Department of Veterans' Affairs telehealth, please click here.
For more information on Medicare telehealth services, please click here.
Telehealth is now available for:
- NSW Workers Compensation
- Compulsory Third Party (CTP)
- icare
- My Aged Care
- National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS)
- Life Insurance
- Medicare (bulk billed)
- Department of Veterans’ Affairs (DVA)
We wish everyone safety and care during this difficult time.
**Update 28th March 2020
Enriched Health Care continues to be responsive to the ongoing changing environment related to COVID 19. We are actively seeking ways to look after the wellbeing of our participants, suppliers, approved providers, referrers and team members.
Enriched Health Care NeuroWell has provided some additional updates for our case management suppliers and participants.
- SUPPLIERS - People providing services to people case managed by Enriched Health Care - UPDATE here
- PARTICIPANTS updated resources here
Enriched Health Care Gait and Motion Clinic has converted all of our existing participants receiving clinical services to teleheath and, as a precaution for our vulnerable participants, we have continued the closure of our the physical location in Port Macquarie. We would like to thank all of our wonderful participants for making this happen. We are providing services to My Aged Care, WorkCover, NDIS and Private Patients 100% online. We continue to subsidise the provision of Medicare and DVA online to our existing participants.
Enriched Health Care Gait and Motion Clinic continues to accept referrals ! We are definitely open for business. You can still refer for Early Intervention, Improved Daily Living, Therapy, Improved Health and Wellbeing, Accredited Exercise Physiology. All still very much happening :)
Enriched Workplace has seen an increase in referrals for 100% ONLINE Ergonomic Assessments. Referrals can me submitted here.
Enriched Health Care wishes all of you the very best during these challenging times.
**Update 23rd March 2020
The Federal Government last night announced the closure of gymnasiums as of 12 midday today 23rd March 2020. The Enriched Health Care Port Macquarie Gait and Motion Clinic in Port Macquarie is NOT affected by this rule. However, Enriched Health Care had already taken the position to first protect the health and safety of all of our participants and team members and we have worked towards significantly reducing clinic visit. As of 23rd March 2020 we will temporarily close the clinic whilst we continue to monitor the situation. Our services to all of our participants remains uninterrupted.
Enriched Health Care has over $100,000 of assets in cloud based architecture to support all of our participants. This includes digital platforms, online programs, and Telehealth. The decision to close the physical clinic does not affect continuity of our service delivery. We have worked with participants to transition them to our digital based experience including Telehealth. This includes NDIS, WorkCover, Private Patients and My Aged Care. We continue to support our existing Medicare and DVA patients pro bono until legislation is improved to allow subsides for Telehealth for those groups.
Importantly customer journey support also continues to be unchanged. Support is being provided by our team from the home environment.
At this stage Enriched Health Care's provision of health care to Residential Aged Care facilities remains unchanged. We will advise as this experience develops.
NeuroWell Case Management has had close contact and planning with all of our current case management participants and have put in place individual strategies for those participants.
Enriched Health Care is monitoring the current situation and how it impacts capacity to deliver Enriched WorkPlace pre employment screenings. At this stage many of our providers continue to operate. Enriched Health Care has additionally had requests for home office ergonomic assessments and we are able to offer this service.
We continue to accept all referrals as per normal pathways https://enrichedhealthcare.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360000372876-How-Do-I-Refer-To-Enriched-Health-Care-
We wish you the best of health in these difficult times.
Simon Turnbull and the Enriched Health Care Team.
**Update 17th March 2020
Enriched Health Care is very grateful to be able to offer continuity of care for our participants through Teleheath options for WorkCover, NDIS, My Aged Care and private patients. Where current participants of Enriched Health Care are restricted from accessing teleheath due to funder restrictions ie Medicare, DVA, private health funds, Enriched Health Care is subsidising these costs.
More about Enriched Health Cares telehealth services can be found here
More about Exercise and Sports Science Australias efforts to get the government to provide Telehealth rebates for DVA and Medicare can be found here:
For any participants who have general questions regarding coronavirus there is now a 24 hour hotline https://www.health.gov.au/contacts/coronavirus-health-information-line
National Coronoa Virus Hotline: Phone 1800 020 080
**Update 15th March 2020
Enriched Health Care continues to monitor the progress of coronavirus COVID-19 and we will provide updates here as circumstances change. The Update from 13th March remains current.
**Update 13th March 2020
Enriched Health Care takes great care looking after our many valued participants.
Enriched Health Care has implemented precautionary measures regarding coronavirus COVID-19.
We have been taking action with guidance from resources from the World Health Organisation, NSW Health, Local Primary Health Network and our own experiences with previous infectious diseases such as SARS and Swine Flu (H1N1).
Enriched Health Care works with many population groups that are vulnerable to such conditions including aged care, disabilities and people with chronic conditions.
Enriched Health Care has infection control policies in place that take into consideration multiple environments we work in, including our Gait and Motion clinic in Port Macquarie, residential aged care, people's homes, our vehicles, our team member homes and community locations.
Enriched Health Care has taken the opportunity to complete the following:
1. Updating team training around infection control.
2. Additional environmental cleaning
3. Consistent use of standard precautions
4. Advice to our participants requesting they let us know if they have any cold or flu like symptoms and avoid attending for appointments
5. Changing our appointments to telehealth where appropriate.
Enriched Health Care continues to advise participants, team members and stakeholders to NOT attend appointments if they have a temperature, sore throat or cold or flu like symptoms.
Enriched Health Care has been a pioneer in the delivery of telehealth services. We have invested in our digital infrastructure and this is available for all of our current participants.
Telehealth consultations are currently available for our existing participants through the following:
1. My Aged Care
3. NSW WorkCover
4. Private paying participants.
Enriched Health Care encourages all of our participants to stay up to date with current developments and recommendations through NSW Health and World Health Organisation.
Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions.
Simon and the Enriched Health Care team.
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